About Me

Initially, I was interested in using photography to capture ephemeral things, such as flowers, in order to preserve their beauty. Later, with cameras with a longer reach , I wished to capture animals and birds that were far away, in order to study and enjoy them in more detail, and at leisure, later. When I discovered macro photography with the possibility of photographing insects at close range, I delighted in seeing the fascinating details that were revealed through these shots.

Although I love being out in nature, and have had the chance to visit some amazing natural environments, I was seldom able to recreate through photos the beauty and atmosphere of these experiences. Not too long go, I reached a point where I felt frustrated enough to start to explore landscape photography as a topic in its own right. Over the past couple of years I have taken tentative steps in acquiring equipment and had the time to learn how to use them as well as discover the elements of landscape photography both technical and artistic.

It is a very different approach for me, paying attention to the aesthetic and artistic aspects of photography in a way that I previously had not, when getting the clearest shot was alone paramount. It has opened up a whole new world of learning and experience and a real appreciation of the art of landscape photographers. I continue to mix my photographic interests from macro, through birds, animals and plants through to landscapes.